Mid-Valley Parenting is a two county parenting education hub through the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC) that includes both Polk and Yamhill Counties. Mid-Valley Parenting focuses on collaboration with partners to provide evidence-based parenting education in both English and Spanish across the region. We work to normalize parenting education with positive messaging and family engagement programming that promotes healthy family activities and early learning.
Mid-Valley Parenting's mission is to provide parenting education for all, resulting in connected and thriving communities. Our vision is that community partners collaborate to ensure lifelong learning to improve the cycle of family outcomes.
Contact one of our Parent Education Coordinators:
Polk County: Stephanie Gilbert, Early Learning & Family Engagement Supervisor
503-623-9664 ext. 2368 or gilbert.stephanie@co.polk.or.us
Yamhill County: Traci Porter
503-376-7436 or tporter@yamhillcco.org
Like us on Facebook! Find us at www.facebook.com/MidValleyParenting, or search Mid-Valley Parenting.