Mid-Valley Parenting

Valentines Day Crafting Night - Family Connections Group


The Fostering Hope Initiative and Yamhill County Early Learning Hub are bringing all the Valentines Day feels to the McMinnville Library for a fun night of crafting, sweet treats, and. as always, building connections. 

This month we plan to make Mailboxes for all the notes of love and admiration you will receive on February14th. 

All events in the Family Connections Group series are bilingual and accessible to families speaking both Spanish and English


Join us at the McMinnville Library from 6p-7p!


La Iniciativa Fostering Hope y el Centro de Aprendizaje Temprano del Condado de Yamhill están trayendo toda la sensación del Día de San Valentín a la Biblioteca McMinnville para una noche divertida de manualidades, dulces y. Como siempre, construyendo conexiones. 

Este mes planeamos hacer Buzones para todas las notas de amor y admiración que recibirás el 14 de febrero. 

Todos los eventos de la serie Family Connections Group son bilingües y accesibles para familias que hablan tanto español como inglés.


¡Únase a nosotros en la Biblioteca McMinnville de 6 p. m. a 7 p. m.!

Language English
Date and Time
  • 02/12/25 06:00pm > 07:00pm
Location McMinnville Public Library, Carnegie Room
225 NW Adams St
McMinnville, Oregon
Age Groups
  • Prenatal
  • Infant (0-24 mo)
  • Toddler (2-3 yrs)
  • Preschool (4 yrs)
  • Elementary School (K-5)
  • Middle School (6-8)
  • High School (9-12)
Special Criteria None
Evidence-Based No
Provides Childcare No
Provides Food Yes
Enrolled 19 / 100
Register Online!

Registration for Valentines Day Crafting Night - Family Connections Group

Address / Primary Participant

(privacy policy)

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Child Care

Quality child care available for childen ages 18 months to 8 years of age.

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